How can I hide Qustodio on my devices?

Looking for a way to set up additional security on your children’s devices? Then we might have the solution for you - you can hide Qustodio on Windows and Mac computers associated with your account.

Due to technical limitations, it is not yet possible to hide Qustodio on mobile devices (Android, iOS and Kindle devices) so we recommend that you sit down with your child and discuss what rules you will establish and why. Take a look at our handy digital agreement as a starting point and add your own rules as needed.


What happens if I select Hide Qustodio on a computer?


Normally when your child tries to access a page you have blocked, a blue screen appears to let them know that this content has been blocked. When you activate the Hide Qustodio option, they will no longer see this blue screen. Instead, they will be redirected to the Google search screen unless you have activated Lock navigation, in which case the lock screen will still be shown.


If Qustodio is hidden and you have selected the option to Lock the Device once your child reaches their time limit, they will simply be logged out of the device. In addition, by opting to Hide Qustodio, the Qustodio “Q” icon will no longer be shown on the task/notification bar.


How can I hide Qustodio on my device?


Read the steps below for how to hide Qustodio on your Windows/Mac computer:

1. Log in to your Parent's Dashboard at

2. Click Devices on the Menu on the left.




3. Select the computer you want to hide.




4. Scroll down to the “Settings”.




5. Turn on the “Hide Qustodio on this device” slider.

6. Done! You can go back to your child’s profile.

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