If you experience any issues with Qustodio for Chromebook, please read the following recommendations and troubleshooting steps:
How does it work
Check this article out to review the features available and make sure the app has been installed correctly.
School issued Chromebooks
If your Chromebook is managed by your child's school, the Qustodio extension will only
work if the school allows third-party extensions in their Google Suite account. Contact
your child’s school for more information.
Using Qustodio with Family Link
Qustodio can protect Chromebook devices even if Google Family Link is enabled. Simply enter your Family Link password when asked to continue installing the Qustodio extension.
Disable guest mode
A handy way to help prevent them from removing Qustodio protection on their Chromebook is to disable guest mode. See this link from Google for more information about guest mode and how to block it.
Troubleshooting Qustodio for Chromebook:
Tampering alert
If you received a tampering alert, make sure all permissions are enabled and the Qustodio extension is installed.
Screen Flickering
While the Qustodio extension is connecting to your account, you may experience some flickering on screen. This is nothing to worry about and should only last for a few seconds.
Redirecting to onboarding process
To fully set up and install the Qustodio extension, you must complete the steps listed in the correct order. If you were redirected to the onboarding process, it’s usually because the Android app was not installed correctly or you did not grant all the necessary permissions. Please go back to the guide and complete the steps in the correct order.
Connection to the Qustodio App Failed
There may be a short delay when the Qustodio extension tries to link to your account. If an error message is shown, simply click Connect now again to try again.
Unable to install Qustodio extension
To fully protect the Chromebook device and correctly add the Qustodio extension, you must have completed the steps in the onboarding flow in the correct order. Please check the numbered steps in this guide.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Support team at qustodio.com/help/contact.