What is extra time and how can I use it?

  • Updated

Qustodio allows you to set up daily time limits for your children. Our extra time feature allows you to extend today’s limit and allow your child some extra time if needed at the touch of a button. 

Please note that allowing extra time will simply extend the amount of device time your child has today. It will not affect your other rules or prevent you from pausing the internet.


See the steps below for how to add extra time to your child’s time limit for today:

1. Log in to your Qustodio account and go to the child's profile.

2. Click on the Quick actions menu that appears at the top banner and tap Edit extra time. 

New extra time 1 copy.jpg  New extra time 2 copy.jpg

Please note, if no time limits are enabled the extra button option won't appear.

3. Choose the amount of extra time you want to assign and click Confirm.

New extra time 3.jpg


4. You can view today’s limit plus the extra time you assigned your child in the screen time card as shown in the example below.



5. When your child reaches their original time limit for today, they can start to use the extra time you assigned. 

6. Once your child has used up both their usual time quota plus any extra time, the time bar will display Time is up!

7. If you need to modify the extra time you assigned, just click Edit extra time

8. Select the amount of extra time needed and click Confirm.


It’s as simple as that! We hope this feature makes it more convenient for you to manage your child’s screen time needs.


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