Qustodio for Android is not reporting activity

If you experience issues with Qustodio on your child's Android device, please check the tips below as well as the following possible troubleshooting steps.

  • To prevent kids from circumventing Qustodio's protection on Android, we recommend setting proper restrictions. For this, during the installation, please make sure to activate Qustodio as “device administrator”. 
  • Block access to the phone settings: click on the Qustodio app, then on Configure this device, and then Device Settings. Turn “ON” the first Qustodio setting at the top to "Protect Android Settings."
  • Qustodio for Android only works with the following web browsers: Google Chrome and Firefox. If Qustodio fails to report any web activity, it might be because your child uses a different web browser (e.g., Opera). In this case, we recommend blocking the use of any other web browser. For this, please go to your Family Portal to the user's profile and to Rules > Application Rules and block any other browser listed there. Also, make sure the option “Block unsupported browser” is enabled going to your child’s profile > Rules > Web Filtering > Settings 
  • Please read this article to find more information about Incognito browsing on Android with Qustodio.
  • Applications will start showing up in your Family Portal in Application Rules only once they've been downloaded, installed and used at least once by the user. You can then enable application controls, allow or block specific applications and set a time limit for each application by clicking on the little clock icon next to the app you wish to limit.


If you experience issues with Qustodio for Android, please read the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you installed Qustodio for Android properly. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to install Qustodio for Android.
  • Make sure that you're using the latest version of Qustodio available from the Google Play Store. For this, go to the device, and search the Google Play Store for Qustodio. Click on Qustodio and on "Update."
  • Make sure that you're using the latest version of the Android Operating System.
  • Make sure that you're using the latest version of the web browser (Google Chrome or Firefox) available.
  • Make sure that the Device Administrator permission on the device is active. Read this article to learn more about it.
  • Some device Manufacturers, such as Huawei or Samsung among others, have added Battery saving options that can deactivate Qustodio on the device. Read more in this article to learn about it.
  • If you are having trouble using Qustodio on a Huawei device, please refer to this article for further instructions. 

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