How do I change the email address associated with my account


There may come a time when you need to change the email address associated with your Qustodio account. To do so, please follow the instructions below.

Important: When changing your email address, we recommend using an email address your child does not have access to. Make sure you use this email address every time you log into Qustodio on your devices and when installing Qustodio on your child’s devices.


1. Change your email address

You can quickly change your Qustodio email address in the Family Portal by following these simple steps:

  1. Open your Parents App or visit your Family Portal at
  2. From the sidebar on the left, click the Account icon.


  3.  Click in the email field

  4. Enter and confirm your email twice.


  5. Enter your password and press ‘Save’.


2. Validate your new email address

To validate your new email address and make sure you receive all reports and updates from us, please do the following:

  • Check your inbox folder. You should have received a confirmation email entitled "Change your Qustodio account email address."
  • Open the email and click the link provided to validate your new address.


That's it! You can now log into your Qustodio account by using the new address you provided.

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