How do I validate my account


Once you have installed Qustodio on a device associated with your account, you will start receiving a report every day and for each child. This report contains a summary of the activity done on all devices associated with that child's profile. However, the Activity Summary contained in this report will be hidden if you have not yet confirmed your email address with us.


How to verify my account

If you wish to unlock the Activity Summary sent in the daily reports, you have to confirm the email address associated with your account. For this, you have two options:

  • The moment you create an account with us, we send you an email to verify your email address and validate your account. You can simply click on the link provided in that email to confirm your email address. If you want to receive a new confirmation email, you can also simply visit your Family Portal and at the bottom of the screen, you should see a notification stating that your account has not been verified. You can simply click on the link provided in that notification to receive a new confirmation email to your inbox.
  • If you have installed Qustodio on a device and created a child profile, you should receive a Daily Summary Report to your email address. You can simply click on the link provided in that Daily Report to confirm your email address.


Important: make sure you use a valid email address, that you and only you, have access to.
This email address will receive all alerts and notifications and should not be accessible to others than the account owner.

If you experience any issues, please make sure to check in your Spam or Promotions folders, in case the confirmation email arrived there by error.

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