What to do if the Qustodio profile has been removed and protection is disabled on iOS

Qustodio requires the iOS MDM profile to be installed and enabled on the iOS device you want to protect for Qustodio to be able to monitor the device and enforce protection and time limits.

Instructions to reactivate Qustodio 

The first step is to go on the device and check if the Qustodio app is still present on the device.

The Qustodio app is still present on the device

Follow these steps:

1. Open the Qustodio app and log into your account by entering your password.


2. Tap Install now.


3. You will be redirected to Safari. Click Allow to download the configuration profile.


4. Tap Close and go to the device Settings 


5. Check for Profile Downloaded or go to General > Profile / Device Management.


6. Tap Install on the top right corner.

7. Enter the device’s passcode.

8. Read the screen shown carefully and tap Install on the top right corner.

9. Tap Trust and then tap Done.

10. Go back to Qustodio Kids app to complete the installation process.




Qustodio has been uninstalled from the device

If Qustodio has been uninstalled from the device, follow the steps listed in this article: How do I install the Kids App Qustodio on an iOS device?


If you experience any issue, check our I'm having trouble installing Qustodio for iOS article.


How can I stop this from happening again?

Use the Qustodio Advance app to ensure your child can’t remove Qustodio from their iOS devices. Learn more about Qustodio Advance here.



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