How do I access my Family Box configuration portal?


Note: These instructions are for parents with a Family Zone Box. If your Box was switched off or disconnected during the update (on 20th June 2023), it will automatically update when it gets reconnected. This may take up to 10 minutes.


To access the configuration portal, your computer or mobile device needs to be connected to the WIFI network on the box. The following browser settings must also be disabled:


If you are using Chrome:

Under Privacy and security, ensure that Use secure DNS is disabled.


If you are using Firefox:

Under Connection settings, ensure that Enable DNS over HTTPS is disabled.

Firefox settings I.png


Firefox settings II.png

Once you are on the same Wi-Fi and have disabled the relevant settings:

  1. Go to and enter your 16-digit box code (you can find it on your box in the format: FZXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX). You will only need this code the first time you access the portal.

  2. Create a password - we recommend choosing one that your child will not guess

In case you still cannot access the Box:

In this case you might need to reset the box to create a new access. Please follow the steps listed in this page:

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